Quality Policy

WAVECONTROL is an engineering company specialised in electromagnetic field measurement in the areas of radio safety and electromagnetic compatibility.

In the area of radio safety, we develop and supply devices and solutions for professional electromagnetic monitoring and measurement, for control of levels in connection with the health of the public in general and workers in particular.

In the area of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), we supply all types of components for resolving problems relating to emissions and immunity in connection with electric and electronic equipment, as well as testing instruments and systems.

The activities of WAVECONTROL are divided into two major ranges:

  • Design, manufacture and calibration of electromagnetic field measurement/monitoring devices.
  • Distribution of instruments, anechoic chambers and components relating to electromagnetic compatibility, FR testing and microwaves.

The management of WAVECONTROL is committed to the quality of its products and customer services and it has therefore decided to implement a Quality Management System in keeping with the ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 International Standards.

In the course of manufacturing and supply of services, the company observes the following management principles and commitments:

  • Attain customer satisfaction, meeting prior expectations. We even anticipate our customers’ future expectations by designing new devices.
  • Pursue ongoing improvement, efficacy and efficiency in processes, innovating wherever possible.
  • Ensure compliance with the law and regulations applicable to the company’s activities.
  • Maintain accreditation for our laboratory (ISO 17025), to provide customers with calibration services and likewise guarantee the calibration of the devices that we manufacture.
  • Adopt quality objectives to attain improvement and dedicate the necessary resources to achieving those objectives.
  • Advise and guide our customers at their request, seeking specific solutions in each case.

Regarding our calibration laboratory (Labcal), the management system in place comprehensively defines each and every stage of the calibration process and establishes specific procedures for total quality assurance for that process.

The laboratory offers a service of calibration of electric and magnetic field probes with a basic purpose, namely to calibrate and recalibrate the field probes manufactured by Wavecontrol, S.L. to ensure that its customers can obtain the highest quality measurements. It can also calibrate probes for other customers.

The Management undertakes to perform laboratory activities in a structured and impartial manner and to maintain professional secrecy in respect of all the information obtained in the course of performing the tasks involved and to abide by any measures that the laboratory may take to ensure the confidentiality and security of the information resulting from the calibrations performed and, in general, any sort of information relating to the laboratory and its customers.

The Management is also committed to the ongoing optimisation of the efficacy of the management system and the quality assurance procedures and will consider any suggestions for improvement by all the professionals with direct responsibility in the calibration process.

Apart from that, considering how important it is for the Company the continuous feedback of its Third parties, it has created a Complaint Register opened to all its Customers, Vendors and other Third parties. The Complaint Formular is opened to all Third parties and can be found here:

https://teams.microsoft.com/l/entity/81fef3a6-72aa-4648-a763- de824aeafb7d/_djb2_msteams_prefix_4073714687?context=%7B%22channelId%22%3A%2219%3AR49 yKxggV3CsJ-fhDBZD2DAMkkd3djHxmSI_MQLRnsw1%40thread.tacv2%22%7D&tenantId=227f73bf- 6f00-47a7-a37e-03b6e95c7562

WAVECONTROL places that policy at our customers’ disposal and it will be made known to the company’s employees and associates. The Management ratifies these commitments and will ensure that they are known, understood, implemented and kept up to date. 

Ernest Cid Farrero

W 208 margen

Wavecontrol S.L.
Carrer de Pallars 65-71
08018 Barcelona (Spain)
European Union
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Tel +34 933 208 055

Wavecontrol Inc.
101 Eisenhower Pkwy Suite 300
Roseland, NJ 07068-1054
United States of America
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel +1 201 479 9022

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